Nov 26, 2008


Robert proposed to me on Thanksgiving. About a million years ago! (Okay, in 1990). I have a lot to be Thankful for. I have 3 healthy-amazing-sarcastic children, a husband that I adore, all my family is close by, a strong church, great friends, my fellow Warriors at Home that understand, steady income, shelter, health insurance, great doctors, a thriving photography business...I can go on and on.

The holidays are bittersweet. I hurt for my friend, Suzy, and neighbor, Jan, that recently lost their husbands and will spend the holidays without them. I hurt for my kids that LOVE getting together with our awesome crazy family but long to have their dad home, I hurt for Robert for wishing he were with us as we get together with our friends and family. It's amazing how you can be in a room full of friends and loved ones and feel alone at the same time.

Fortunately for me, my husband will be home in a few months. And that is something else to be thankful for. When you are gathered with your families this holiday season, please pray for those soldiers that are in harms way, and for their families trying so hard to keep it together back home. I am so thankful for the power of prayer:)

I did it

I've lost 45lbs! I've gone down 4 pant sizes. Whoo hoo! When people ask me how I did it, I tell them the common sense diet. If it's fattening, don't eat it! You don't need a diet with a title-South Beach, Atkins, etc. We all know what is good for you and what isn't. Throw in lots of water, no late night snacking, and lots of exercise and BAM....45lbs:) I go back to the doc on Dec 2nd to get the green light to start working out again. 12lbs more and I'll have hit my goal. I still need to firm up and turn this flab into muscle:) Working out has been an AMAZING stress release, it gives me energy, and it helps me sleep. I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym!